Maureen Teen Mom's Foundation

About Us

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We build connections between agencies providing services and support to pregnant and parenting young people.


We promote evidence-based sexual health and relationships education.


We challenge negative stereotypes and promote awareness of the capacities and successes of parenting young people as well as their needs.

Child marriage is a global problem that transcends borders, nations, and religions. Despite widespread efforts to end child marriage, approximately one-third of girls in low- and middle-income countries will likely be married before age 18, and fewer than 10 percent of girls will be married before age 15. The occurrence of child marriage mainly concerns places with limited resources.

We understands that the "Boy Child" has been forgotten. For many years all the programs have been geared towards the needs of the Girl Child. We're here to remind parents not to give up on the Boy Child because they equally need help to contribute positively to Society.

Rise in Teenage pregnancies during 1st lockdown, 2020
Our Business

At Maureen Teen Mom's Network

We believe teenage pregnancy is one of the most
significant obstacles to the serenity and development of young women.

It is quite probable that a pregnant teenager will drop out of school and be neglected by her parents and spouse, leaving her to care for herself and the unborn kid.

Today, especially in Africa, many early marriages pose significant risks for teen moms, and our organization is here to address this issue. The pressure to raise children while still being children and with insufficient knowledge of sexual and reproductive life is one of the most significant challenges associated with child marriage.

In 2008


Nearly 750,000 women younger than 20 became pregnant: Some 733,000 pregnancies were among teenagers (women aged 15–19), and 13,500 were among those aged 14 and younger. U.S. Teenage Pregnancies, Births and Abortions, 2008: National Trends by Age, Race and Ethnicity

In 2010


More than 67 million women aged 20–24 were married as teens, with 20% coming from Africa. There was evidence that 14.2 million adolescents under 18 were married annually, equating to about 39,000 young women married daily.

In 2021


The Department of Statistics of the Republic of South Africa communicated that a total of 899 303 children were born in 2020, with 34 587 births being from mothers aged 17 years or younger—of the 34 587 births from teen mothers, 16 042 were aged 17 years while 688 were 10 years of age.

Feb 15, 2022. As Maureen Teen Mom's Network, we realize that we have to help Young mothers face practical solutions and develop a positive attitude towards life

Our Aim

We aim to construct a knowledge-based system that educates young women about their sexual and reproductive health while fostering their growth and development in a safe environment. However, developing and implementing this project requires your kind contribution.

Help revitalize teenage moms in Kampala, Uganda, and throughout Africa. Together, let’s end the cycle of teen pregnancy and poverty.

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Meet With Our Professional Team

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